Guide to Writing Dissertation Discussion 

The moment a final year of studies comes closer, undergraduate students all over UK begin to worry because it’s time to present and defend their dissertation. This is an important milestone of every person’s life. Whether someone’s studying in Cambridge or Ravensbourne, or in some barely known uni, this task is something that unites all future graduates, so they start preparing for it in advance. Choosing a topic and planning project structure are two essential actions. Dissertation discussion is a large section that is basically the core of your work. You should explain research results you’ve got in here, and unless you do it well, no one is going to consider your project successful. For this reason, making this part thorough and perfect is extremely important.

Discussion Chapter: Main Goals and Writing Approaches

For achieving best results in writing, one should know what a specific section contains and in what order everything should be presented within it. Even smaller technical details like tense usage are relevant and can increase or diminish your chances. Goals along with technical approaches must be established before you start working. So, how to write discussion dissertation in particular?

This section usually comes right after the one with results. The student has already summarised them, now they should start explaining them. This explanation should be as detailed as possible since it is the main discussion goal. Give replies for the following questions: how are obtained results relevant in terms of the broader field of study? Do they correspond to hypothesis you’ve formulated or refute it? What’s the correlation between them and outcomes revealed through a literature review? Who can benefit from what you’ve found and in what ways can it be done? All these elements must be connected, with ideas flowing carefully into each other, showing both theoretical and practical value of final results.

When composing this section, you should also adhere to correct tenses. Use Present Simple when talking about results implications or underlining their meaning. At the same time, make sure you use Past Simple if you refer to processes you engaged in when conducting a research. That’s it! Avoid Future tenses because they aren’t normally used in formal writing of this kind. Now that you know what dissertation discussion chapter should entail, let’s regard some useful tips that will help make such section effective.

Steps For Writing a Perfect Discussion

Every piece of writing can be composed effectively by implementing proper tips. Take a look at the following list. Ideally, when working on discussion section, students should follow them for eliminating the majority of mistakes and maintaining academic standards.

  • Keep your structure clear. Decide what you’re going to be discussing first: implications, the way results relate to hypothesis, their connection with findings from lit review, or something else. For ensuring clarity, it is better to develop an approximate outline before writing and then follow it. Don’t mix all ideas together. Don’t try to jump from one point to another without exploring each of them properly. Say everything there is about the first point and only then move on to another one.
  • Be fair when evaluating results. Even if you didn’t prove initial hypothesis, don’t give up. There is no need to panic — after all, this is what research is for! It cannot have only positive results at all times, so there will be moments when a scholar fails in their primary aim. A bad result is still a result. If there are any inconsistencies or limitations, acknowledge them. If some biases compromised integrity of research, tell audience about it. Underline good and bad sides of your work, it will only help you earn the Board’s respect.
  • Check samples beforehand. Good thing about this kind of project lies in the fact that millions of students have already done the same work before. Apply it by turning it into advantage. Google successful dissertation discussion example, study it closely. It will likely offer some advice you’ll be able to use. Remember where the author succeeded and emulate it when doing your own task.
  • Connect all dissertation parts. While you’re focusing on discussion, don’t forget about making references to all other important sections. Link review of literature, hypothesis, as well as results together. Watch closely so all of them would be engaged in discussion.

Complete Dissertation Discussion Part Effortlessly

Writing discussion isn’t a difficult process, though it does require attention and thoroughness from an author. Follow tips, be clear and make links between ideas smooth. O only trust in authentic and reliable sources and ask for dissertation help from Dissertation Writing Services UK with your supervisor in case of doubt. Never forget about the relevance that discussion in dissertation embodies because without it, there would be no point in even starting it. You got results, now present them to your audience in a manner they would appreciate. The more meticulous you are, the higher value your project is going to possess!